
Divyosmi Goswami
2 min readSep 13, 2021

At times when the team falls apart, the leader comes out to guide the team through all hurdles. At ancient times when tribes were forming and the dawn of civilization was to occur, the strongest and the most intelligent was chosen the leader. There is a vast difference between a leader and a boss, a boss orders people to do jobs on promises of pay and is often regarded supreme and rises to the top of the hierarchy even at the cost of a loss of member, while a leader guides the way and shows the path to a sole mission. A good leader always shows his or her members the right path and never leaves their side. A leader instills the hope and inspiration in his people and gives them a napalm pire of burning ambition. A leader always takes part in both the happiness and failure of the team. Leadership is the feature in human to become a good leader and to lead properly. In leadership one must take hard decisions and actions that may not be beneficial nor primarily ethical at the begging of the play but surely is for the sake of the well being of the team. Leadership is a vital skill that not everyone but those who are courageous and don’t blame others should undertake. In this changing uncertain world where once great spiritual, religious, and political leaders like the Buddha, the Sufi saints like Kabir, bhakti movement revolutionary leaders like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Mirabai and leaders like Bhagat Singh, Gandhi Ji and Netaji and thought leaders like Ramkrishna dev and Swami ji have once driven. In this global edge technology scenario, Ai thought leaders, data journalist, Finance Analyst, SDG Analysts, developers, entrepreneurs and cultural leaders lead the world, all economically, academically, and culturally. Everyday we open new possibilities and opportunities that open new doors and problems that are to be solved by our modern leaders.

Thanks for reading, take care. Stay happy and especially safe in this covid mu variant situation.



Divyosmi Goswami

Divyosmi Goswami: A digital nomad's journal wandering through the physical and cyber city discovering himself.